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Packages Assembly

Debian Package

  1. Update debian/changelog and make a new version.
  2. Create a new GitHub Release, using the branch where you pushed the updated changelog.
  3. After creating a Release (and when it's NOT a draft), the create-debs.yml will automatically compile the .deb files, and upload them as part of the Release you made.

Build Environment

The recommended way of building a .deb is using the software pbuilder.

This will automatically run sudo apt install [...<dependencies>] in a chroot environment.

However, this does mean you need sudo access, even though you are only installing into a chroot environment.

Additionally, you also need access to chroot, so pbuilder does not work in a container like docker/podman.


Install build dependencies:

sudo apt install gnupg pbuilder debhelper -y

Then create a pbuild environment (basically a chroot jail). This lets us install apt packages without affecting our OS.

Replace --distribution focal with the OS you are using.

sudo pbuilder create --debootstrapopts --variant=buildd --distribution focal

Next, you must have USENETWORK=yes enabled in your /etc/pbuilderrc file. This is so that cmake can download files while building.

# Enable network access, since `cmake` downloads dependencies

Finally, you can build the .deb file with:

pdebuild --debbuildopts "-us -uc"

The meaning of the options are:

  • -debbuildopts <debbuild_opts>: Options to pass to debbuild. See debbuild options above in the Podman section.
    • "-us -uc" means do not sign the source package and .changes file.

By default, the .deb file will be located in /var/cache/pbuilder/result/.


First of all, install pbuilder, which automatically downloads dependencies and does the cross-compiling for you.

sudo apt install gnupg pbuilder debhelper -y

Then, edit /etc/pbuilderrc and enable the following settings:

# Enable network access, since `cmake` downloads dependencies
# Faster than default, and is requried if we want to do cross-compiling

First of all, we need to overwrite our apt-sources list. Ubuntu places x86 sources seperately from ARM sources, so we need to do some jiggarypokery to get it working.

Otherwise, it's just the same command as in PBuild.

"deb [arch=arm64] focal main universe"
# Ubuntu splits up amd64 and arm64 repos
"deb [arch=amd64] focal main universe"
pdebuild --debbuildopts "-us -uc" -- --override-config --distribution focal --mirror "" --othermirror "$OTHER_MIRROR" --host-arch arm64
  • -- ...: Options to pass to pbuilder:
    • --host-arch arm64: Cross-compile for the arm64 architecture.
    • --override-config: Needed to regenerate apt settings, since we're setting --othermirror
    • --mirror "": Leave blank, since we need to specify [arch=xxx] in --othermirror.
    • --othermirror "$OTHER_MIRROR": The deb sources.list entries for both arm64 (host) and amd64 (build).
    • --distribution focal: Needed since we're regenerating apt settings.

By default, the .deb file will be located in /var/cache/pbuilder/result/.


If you want to use podman (e.g. since you're using elementary OS, or pbuilder doesn't work since you don't have chroot support), you can use debuild manually.

Install .deb build dependencies, as well as the build depenencies for EDGESEC (see

sudo apt install gnupg linux-headers-generic ubuntu-dev-tools apt-file -y

This will automatically call cmake in the background, using multiple threads (e.g. no need for j6)

debuild -us -uc
  • Add the --no-pre-clean to prevent debuild from recompiling everything. This saves a lot of time during testing.
  • -us -uc means do not sign the source package and .changes file.

Now the deb should exist in the folder above this folder, e.g. cd ...

Editing the deb

  • Beware of dependencies! The Depends: ${shlibs:Depends} line in debian/control means we automatically scan for shared libs.

    However, since we bundle in some shared libs, we must ignore these in debian/control, using the -l flag to dh_shlibdeps. This will tell dh_shlibdeps that a folder is our own private shared libs folder.

  • Build dependencies:

    • If we use git, make sure you also add ca-certificates, otherwise you'll get invalid certificate errors when doing git clones with https.
  • Creating a new version of the .deb:

    • To create a new version number for the .deb, add a new entry to debian/changelog with the version you want, then rebuild the .deb.

OpenWRT Package

edgesec for OpenWRT can be built by including the Manysecured OpenWRT package feed in your OpenWRT toolchain.

Follow the instructions in the OpenWRT docs on how to setup the OpenWRT build system. If you only want to build the edgesec package (not an image), it may be faster to download a pre-built SDK.

Next, edit feeds.conf.default to add the ManySecured OpenWRT package feed.

Finally, run ./scripts/feeds update -a to fetch the package lists and ./scripts/feeds install edgesec to configure edgesec for compilation. Finally, to compile edgesec, run:

# use make -j15 to run with 15 threads
# use nice -n19 make -j15 to run with low CPU priority
# use make V=scw to view warnings when compiling for debugging

You should find the edgesec .ipk file in bin/packages.